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Welcome to the place where i release boredom, stress, happiness and lets just say a place which i can share everything with.. So if I've said something that disgust and makes you hate me.. I'm sorry.
I'm certified a Problem-Free person..

Bee Loves You.?

Friday, April 16, 2010

This would be the First post for this year.. Was to lazy to blog though..

. . . . .

Lester and I bought the exact same phone.. And I'm using it now to blog! :)
I finally get to be and see ALL my cousins last year, although it was just a short time..
Then it goes on by celebrating my birthday with my cousins, Christmas with Lester and his church friends, New year at Keith's house then to Lester's church, went to Langkawi(Sin Island) which it was so fun and made us close in a way and Chinese New Year with the so-called Langkawi gang at my house and Keith house.
Then, on Lester's birthday, i bought him a Chelsea jersey and a perfume.. Get to sing a Birthday song to him while holding a cupcake at midnight! :)
Anyways, we are planning to go back to Langkawi.. :D haha. So, till then.

I love you,baby.. :P

writtern @9:59 PM

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Finally, i've finished my SPM.. I will never ever hear my mum asking me to study for this whole 3 months.. Damn great. after my Geo paper.. Baby, came to fetch me.. I had lunch at home, bath and ning pei came to my house.. After that, we went to mamak to find for mandy, cause ning pei had a little heart problems and she wants to share it with us.. Then we headed off to pavilion.. Ate at Kfc and we ran out to pav's main entrance.. There was some snow thingy made out of soap. :D Baby, asked me to step on his feet.. Reminds me off twilight.. Urgh~ yuck. So yeah, we danced just for a while cause i started to feel a bit awkward because the lady standing behind him kept looking.. We went back home and baby wanted me to paint his nails!!! and he painted my nail too.. My baby went to bali today.. He brought me to this cafe to have dinner yesterday, a very nice place.. Just a few people was eating outside.. and noone was eating inside, so it was just the both of us.. We had fun laughing and talking.. Went to a shopping commplex to look for a tie for him to wear to the prom, but i told him to search a nice one at bali.. So, i'm missing him now.. :( I'll be going to KL Sentral to fetch him this Sunday.. How am i gonna stand not seeing him for sooooo many days.. Thank god, its only four days..
I'm gonna miss you so much baby.. :)
Till then.

writtern @6:36 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

-I so wanna watch this both movies! The princess and the frog is out tomorrow and alvin and the chipmunks 2 will be out on 24th dec.. Nice. :)

As usual i will drag fattie to watch with me.. :D and he'll tell me that when we're on a date the most watched movies are cartoons.. Hehe, i like.. I've finish my perdagangan finally.. Thank God. No more holding or even a single touch or reading the perdagangan book.. I still have 5 more days then i could officially declare 'Merdeka'.. Fattie finished his exams and was shouting on the phone right after his last paper.. and he find an excuse just to see me by saying "I need to use the toilet." Once he came to my house, the only thing he said was, "eh, studying?" and a wide smile on his face! Oh, i sense sarcasm in him.. I gave him a good smack later on.. :)

Anyways, I'm ready to party already.. i think.. or maybe i'm still in a slow-lovey-dovey-blurry mode.. I am going to watch movie tomorrow, I don't care, or maybe have a roti canai or cheese naan.. :D I'm hungry now.. I should go..

Till then.

Eh, baby.. I miss you, although its been just a day.. :)

writtern @6:03 PM

Friday, December 4, 2009

-Act cute No.1 XD
Haven't been updating my blog.. Too lazy to do anything nowadays.. I left only 2 subjects which is perdagangan and geografi.. Fattie left chemistry only.. :( and then he'll be partying without me.. oh wait, i can choose to party with him and ignore my useless geografi.. :D good plan. I still remembered a day before spm everyone totally got drunk in foo hong's hse including my fattie.. and he came to my house to rest for a while..
Last week, went to np's hse for dinner with fattie. Ate fatman steamboat.. Fattie and keith kept eating and eating and eating.. Then they finally stopped, went to np's room to chat and went to SS2 for karaoke..
Kevin, showed me and fattie his kissing picture with his gf.. Then, fattie quickly took out his phone and showed our ones.. hehe! :) i like.. so cheeky..
Then, i finally managed to persuade jo yee to come to the prom! So, happy....... i like. She bought her dress and everything! Can't wait to see her and her fattie to come! hehehe... excited.
Before i get too excited i'll stop here.. I dont even know what was i writing in this blog post..
Crappie blog post..
Till then.

writtern @6:24 PM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

-Hari ini 4 Months..
I nearly forgot and fattie reminded me that today was our four months.. hehe.. So yeah.. :) not a big deal but still! Hope it still goes on and on~
Now, i'm feeling tired.. Had seminar.. Luckily fattie was beside me during history class.. Or not i would be sleeping the whole time.. hehe!
So got to study now! Till then.

writtern @8:25 PM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

-Weee~ So pretty one! hehehe. sorry i bajet. :)

I wanted to blog this morning.. I was feeling so semangat to blog once i woke up.. The thing that came across my mind was "Show off your pretty picture laaa..." Getting ready to write the first letter and BAM! A message came telling me, "I'm going over now..." Just great. He spoiled my plan again.. He always do.. So, I thought maybe i could quickly write something random and just off the damn laptop.. But, No.. I think he thinks his one of the F1 team.. He drives recklessly and super fast.. Sometimes, I wish the seat i'm sitting on has extra break.. :) But, I like.. We had lunch! went back home, and went to seminar later.. Now, i'm feeling tired.

That last friday was our graduation.. I totally screwed up.. I took my cert and i looked at the camera and i realise that the VIP was giving me a 'one' kind look for a minute.. I struggled to take the cert for a while, thinking why isn't she handling in my cert and i realise i forgot to say thank you... Oh God. and finally everything was over.. I was just a bit emotional but was okay after that.. I really do not wanna leave school but HELL YEAH...... Then, went to pavilion with fattie.. Kevin wanted to drink, but fattie was tired and lazy.. Instead we went to Carls Jr. to yam cha.. After seeing fattie for one whole day, he still insist to have dinner with me that saturday.. Actually it was my idea.. We went to our favourite dating place again.. McD's.. I planned to go Quattro or MOS.. but FAILED! He wants to go to 1u and i want to go to 7 ate 9.. :( But the way he dressed that day looked like his 16 or 16.3 Around 10 stg me and him were hungry.. I wanna go to McD again.. but we ended up staying at home, watching the chelsea match.. i hate chelsea. :)

-Fattie take one..

-Me, Pretty. His hand, FAT!

And did i mention that during the class party fattie sang a song for ME! Before that he told me he had a suprise for me, and i was suprised! Once he was finished, he melted my heart 'gwa'.. ^^ hehe.

-Baby aku so yeng..

16 more days to SPM.. I'm getting lazier day by day.. I'm sleeping earlier day by day.. Oh God. Help me....... Once i start studying, i'll frequently get out of the room to find for food.. Yesterday school had this stress management thingy.. and i was feeling NOT STRESS at ALL!!!! so does karthi and stef too.. How could we not feel stress when SPM its only 2 weeks away? :( I'm dead.. Oh history.. Oh perdagangan.. :'(
I should study now.. History.. Siens. Till then.

writtern @9:25 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009

-Everytime I have breakfast in McD with Lest, they gave us this.. I wonder if they were telling us indirectly that our breath stinks or... they just want us to do something after we use the Colgate thing.. ^^ hmm~ CURIOUS!!! :D

Feeling all random again.. I wanted to sleep but i can't.. Was studying science and i got bored of it.. Last week, I did not go to school the whole week except for monday. I had school but Lest had holiday so, I decided to just stay at home and wait for him to have breakfast with me.. :) Sometimes, his the first person i see in the morning.. Its like, I was in a deep sleep and suddenly i'll feel someone shaking me asking me to wake up.. and with my mm song face, i can see him standing right beside me.. Automatically, my face gave a big smile.. AND! went back to sleep.. Such a kacau-er.. It has been a happy '112 days'.. hehe.. okay, i gotta stop. I just miss him.. and hopefully, maybe, 10 years later when i read back this blog it'll bring me back memories and remind me that I've made the right choice to accept him into my life and thank God I've stick to it.. Oh, BIG dreams again.. Oh well, I'm allowed to dream.. So, why not? i'm heading to bed now.. Probably will be thinking bout him.. I mean SPM.. YEAH!
TILL THEN.. Cheers.

writtern @3:20 AM